Tech Radar

All football tech trends on the radar

The FootballTech Radar enables us to keep an overview of the large range of football tech - by transparently processing the knowledge about a football tech from the perspective of practice. Two categories are crucial: What scientific evidence do we have for the effectiveness of the technology in football and how has it been used in practice so far?

Radar Entry Form 

By filling out the application form, you have the opportunity to have your technology included in the FootballTech Radar, which our trainers and experts refer to first when questions arise.

With the FootballTech Radar, we offer orientation and show what the current state of knowledge - from theory and practice - is on soccer technology. This information helps us to answer current questions on the pitch with technology or to test it with players, coaches and experts in the TechLab.
Dr. Sebastian KoppersHead of Intelligence & Solution Center | DFB Academy
FAQ Tech Radar
  1. What is a technology radar?

    A technology radar is a framework that structures current information on technologies in the respective sector. 

    What is the purpose of the FootballTech Radar?

    The radar aims to provide detailed information and an overview of the current landscape of relevant football technologies. 

    Who is the FootballTech Radar designed for?

    The radar is designed for our players, coaches and experts in football. 

    How do we use the FootballTech Radar?

    The radar should be seen as a guideline to implement the use of technologies included on the radar. We do not see our assessment of football technologies as a seal of approval, but rather as further help and information for our coaches and experts to support their decision-making of football technology implementation.  

    What qualifies as Football Technology?

    Technologies that are designed to be used by/with professional football players to improve player performance. 

  2. What is a Technology Readiness Level? 

    Originally a Nasa concept. Used by DoD among others. We’ve modified the DoD definitions to match football.

    Technology Readiness Level - NASA

    Why are the categories named communication, decision, execution and pre-conditions?

    The FootballTech Radar is structured in 4 categories based on Rajmund Verhijen’s football action model + pre-conditions. The key message of the model is that every action in a football game can be divided into three phases: 

    • Communication: Means the communication of the players on the pitch, including the perception of game actions, communication between players/teams and opponent as well as the development of team tactics (knowing how to interpret the situation = situational awareness, visual-spatial-auditory processing, peripheral vision, concentration). This also includes scouting and analysis (including identification of player talent). 

    • Decision: The player’s decision, which action to execute based on collected information, e.g., executive functions (working memory, planning, self-control). 

    • Execution: A player’s ability, to execute a desired action successful (e.g., football fitness and technical skills). 

    • Pre-conditions: Means to improve the player’s status off the field to support readiness to play football. This includes recovery, injury prevention & rehabilitation, mental & physical health. 

    How is the Confidence Level determined?

    We evaluate the function, outcome and usability of the technology, incorporating scientific evidence and expert opinion. 

    How is a technology submitted to the FootballTech Radar?

    Technologies are submitted by submission of our Radar Entry Form. There are no fees included. 

    What is the review process?

    All entries into the FootballTech Radar will be reviewed after submission by staff from the DFB-Akademie TechLab (+ a scientific partner from a university). The content of the respective entry forms will determine the confidence score of the technology. 

    I have more questions about the FootballTech Radar, whom do I contact?

    You can contact us on all questions at